What is an Entry Process and a Process Limit?

What is an Entry Process and a Process Limit?

After logging into cPanel, you saw a few items on the right side of the screen that are highlighted in red. What are these?

A process is any concurrent action or operation that is being performed by a user. The cPanel on our shared servers is restricted to 120 processes overall in any combination, and 80 PHP scripts running simultaneously (Entry Processes). PHP, cron, opening a webpage, checking email, and so on.

While these limits are set, our ToS and Acceptable Use Policies does not mean you can concurrently run them all at the same time. Processes, entry or regular, should only take a fraction of a second to run and close. When a site is not properly optimized, these processes can stack and cause problems with not just the server, but with your site as well. 

In the event that you decide to investigate your website's problems further. There are three approaches to assess the health of your site and operations.

  1. We advise using GTMETRIX to evaluate your website. Although we will try our best to assist, we are not site developers, thus we always want to check here first: The website gtmetrix.com

The majority of problems stem from your website's lack of caching. We suggest using W3 Total Cache and CloudFlare if you are using WordPress. We advise using CloudFlare and Gzip compression if your website is not WordPress-based. You may enable them in your cPanel > Software Section > Optimize Website > Compress All Content > Update Settings.

  1. Check under Metrics > Resource Usage in your cPanel. From here, you may see when the problem occurs, identify its root cause, and get a basic notion of what has to be done to resolve it.

  2. With the TOP command, you may browse through your own cPanel console. Run and watch "ps aux" to obtain additional in-depth information as well.

You may view the file that is causing the build-up in processes by using this command. If you keep seeing index.php, it's usually an indication that caching is needed since the website is loading slowly.

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