What Is A Cron Job?

What Is A Cron Job?

Cron Jobs

With the help of the Linux utility Cron, users may program or automate repetitive processes to occur at predetermined periods. These are the individual jobs, or cron jobs. Here are some examples of Crons that your developer or you could make:

  • Clearing your site(s) cache

  • Checking your domain(s) for broken links

How Do I Create A Cron Job?

To create a Cron Job:

  1. Log into cPanel (You can check the article on our to log into cPanel)

  2. Look up Cron Jobs and click the application: 

  1. Under Email, select an email that you have access to as you will receive an email after the cron job has finished.

  2. Under the Add New Cron Job section, choose an interval from the Common Settings Drop-down.

    *We suggest avoiding running a cron every minute as this can be very resource intensive.*

  3. In the Command field, enter the desired command.

  4. Click Add New Cron Job

How Do I Remove Or Edit A Cron Job?

To edit or delete a cron job:

  1. Search for Cron Jobs, and open the application:

  2. Locate the cron job you wish to remove or edit, and click the desired Action:cronjob.png

You can find additional information regarding cron jobs via: Beginners Guide to Cron Jobs

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